Artist Statement
The more complex of my work is concerned with the collective unconscious, those myths and images absorbed by our everyday existence and then fed back to us through dreams, psychological thoughts, myths and subconscious states of mind such as fear, anxiety, love and the search for perfection.
Everything visual is basically a symbol, we don’t see we perceive, its a personal vision we have of the world. Objects that we endow with a specific meaning can not only visually look different, but can have a different psychological effect on another person. This can depend on our upbringing our environment and the experiences we have had during our existence.
My work is full of visual imagery, but all these elements don’t make a coherent story.
They are more like a form of divination, its up to the viewers subconscious to weave a meaning or feeling from their grouping.
Like any Mythical tale there are symbols of good and evil of fear and redemption, I am not trying to say anything particular about our situation, these are not political works but journeys into our interior, that thing we call a sense of self.
Diploma of Art + Design [Honours], Swinburne University, Melbourne
Lecturered in painting, Prahran College, Melbourne